"Don't think that I have come to abolish the Torah or the Prophets. I have come not to abolish but to complete."  Matthew 5:17

Kehilah Portland


A Messianic Jewish Synagogue

"For I will take you from among the nations, gather you from all the countries, and return you to your own soil. Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your uncleanness and from all your idols. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit inside you; I will take the stony heart out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. I will put my Spirit inside you and cause you to live by my laws, respect my rulings and obey them. You will live in the land I gave to your ancestors. You will be my people, and I will be your God." Ezekiel 36:24 - 28



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Glossary - Tza’ananim - Yidbash

Tza•‘a•na•nim (Zaanannim)

tzad•dik, pl. tzad•di•kim—righteous person. At Ac 7:52 and elsewhere "the Tzaddik" with the definite article, means the Messiah. Mt 10:41+.

Tza•deh (Tsadhe)—18th letter of Hebrew alphabet

Tza•dok (Zadok, Sadoc)—in Messianic genealogy (see also below; Tz’dukim). Mt 1:14.

Tzaf•nat-Pa‘•ne•ach (Zaphenath-Paneah)

Tza•fon (Zaphon)

Tza•‘ir (Zair)

Tza•laf (Zalaph)

Tzal•mon (Zalmon)

Tzal•mo•nah (Zalmonah)

Tzal•mu•na (Zalmunna)

tza•ra•‘at (leprosy)—a contagious disease and source of ritual uncleanness evidenced by skin lesions; dealt with in Leviticus 13–14. Generally believed not to be Hansen’s Disease, which is the modern meaning of "leprosy."

Tzar•fat (Zarephath, Sarepta)—town near Tzidon. Lk 4:26.

Tzar•tan (Zartan)

Tzav—Parashah 25; Leviticus 6:1(8)–8:36

tzav la•tzav—precept by precept

Tz’•dad (Zedad)

Tz’du•kim (Sadducees), sing. Tza•dok—One of the two main components of the religious establishment in Yeshua’s time, the other being the P’rushim. The Tz’dukim tended to be richer, more skeptical, more worldly, and more willing to cooperate with the Roman conquerors than the P’rushim. The Tz’dukim emphasized Temple rituals; when it was destroyed (70 c.e.), so was their viability. Mt 3:7+.

tze•da•kah—literally, "righteousness," but since ancient times also used to mean "charity." Mt 6:1+.

Tze•dek•yah (Zedekiah)

Tze•fi (Zephi)

Tze•fo (Zepho)

Tze•la (Zelah)

Tze•lek (Zelek)

Tzel•tzah (Zelzah)

Tze•mach—Branch or Shoot (a name of the Messiah). Isaiah 11:1, Jeremiah 23:5.

Tzer (Zer)

Tze•ret (Zereth)

Tze•ret-Sha•char (Zereth-shahar)

Tze•ri (Zeri)

Tz’•fan•yah, -ya•hu (Zephaniah)

Tz’•fat (Zephat)

Tz’•fon (Zephon)

Tz’•fo•ni (Zephonite)

Tzi•cha (Ziha)

Tzi•dim (Ziddim)

Tzid•ki•yah, -ya•hu (Zedekiah)

Tzi•don (Sidon)—town on the coast north of Tzor, in what is today Lebanon. Mt 11:21+.

Tzi•do•ni, -nim (Sidonians)

Tzif•yon (Ziphion)

Tzi•lah (Zillah)

Tzil•tai (Zilthai)

Tzin (Zin)

Tzi•‘or (Zior)

Tzip•por (Zippor)

Tzip•po•rah* (Zipporah)

Tzitz (Ziz)

tzi•tzit, pl. tzi•tzi•yot—specially made fringes worn on the four corners of a man’s tallit, fulfilling the mitzvah in Numbers 15:37–41. In ancient times, including the first century, the tallit was a cloak or robe included in normal male attire. After clothes stopped being made with "corners," Judaism created the modern tallit (prayer shawl) so that the mitzvah could be performed. Mt 9:20+.

Tzi•va (Ziba)

Tziv•‘on (Zibeon)

Tziv•ya (Zibia)

Tziv•yah (Zibiah)

Tzi•yon (Zion, Sion)—Mount Tziyon was originally the City of David, south of the modern Old City of Yerushalayim. Later the name Tziyon came to refer metaphorically to the Temple Mount, Yerushalayim, the people of Yerushalayim, or the people of Israel. (The hill now called Mount Tziyon was given its name in the fourth century c.e.) Mt 21:5+.

Tz’lo•f’•chad (Zelophehad)

Tz’ma•ra•yim (Zemaraim)

Tz’ma•ri (Zemarite)

Tz’•nan (Zenan)

Tzo•‘an (Zoan)

Tzo•‘ar (Zoar)

Tzo•char (Zohar)

Tzo•fai (Zophai)

Tzo•far (Zophar)

Tzo•fim (Zophim)

Tzor (Tyre)—town on the Mediterranean coast of what is now southern Lebanon. Mt 11:21+.

Tzor•‘ah (Zorah)

Tzor•‘a•ti (Zorathite)

Tzor•‘i (Zorite)

Tzo•vah (Zobah)

Tzo•ve•vah (Zobebah)

Tz’re•dah (Zereda)

Tz’re•rah (Zererath)

Tz’•ror (Zeror)

Tz’ru•‘ah (Zeruah)

Tz’ru•yah (Zeruiah)

Tzu•‘ar (Zuar)

Tzuf (Zuph)

Tzur (Zur)

Tzu•ri•’el (Zuriel)

Tzu•ri•shad•dai (Zurishaddai)

Tzva•’ot—armies, hosts

Tz’vo•yim (Zeboiim)


U•faz (Uphaz)

U•khal (Ucal)

U•la (Ulla)


U•lam (Ullam)

U•mah (Ummah)

U•ni (Unni)

U•ni (Unni)




u•rim—together with the tumim, the means used by the cohanim to determine God’s will in certain situations.

U•ri•yah, -ya•hu, (Uriah, Urias)—husband of Bat-Sheva (Bathsheba) the mother of King Shlomo. Mt 1:6.

Ur-Kas•dim (Ur of the Chaldees)

U•za (Uzza)

U•zah (Uzzah)



U•zen-She•’e•rah (Uzzen-sherah)

U•zi* (Uzzi)

U•zi•’el (Uzziel)

U•zi•’e•li (Uzzielite)

U•zi•yah, -ya•hu (Uzziah, Ozias)—king of Y’hudah; in Messianic genealogy. Mt 1:8–9.

Va•di [Arabic wadi]—valley or ravine with stream that usually dries up in summer.

Va’•et•cha•nan—Parashah 45; Deuteronomy 3:23–7:11

Va•hev (Vaheb)

Vai•za•ta (Vajezatha)

Van•yah (Vaniah)



Vav—6th letter of Hebrew alphabet

Va•yak’•hel—Parashah 22; Exodus 35:1–38:20

Va•ye•chi—Parashah 12; Genesis 47:28–50:26

Va•ye•lekh—Parashah 52; Deuteronomy 31:1–30

Va•ye•ra—Parashah 4; Genesis 18:1–22:24

Va•ye•shev—Parashah 9; Genesis 37:1–40:23

Va•ye•tze—Parashah 7; Genesis 28:10–32:3(2)

Va•yi•gash—Parashah 11; Genesis 44:18–47:27

Va•yik•ra—Parashah 24; Leviticus 1:1–5:26 (6:7)

Va•yish•lach—Parashah 8; Genesis 32:4(3)–36:43

V’•zot Ha•Bra•chah—Parashah 54; Deuteronomy 33:1–34:12

V’•dan (Vedan)

V’•e•ra—Parashah 14; Exodus 6:2–9:35

Vof•si (Vophsi)

Ya•‘a•kan (Jaakan)

Ya•‘a•kov (Jacob, James)—The English name "James" comes from Hebrew Ya‘akov through Greek Iak�bos and Late Latin Jacomus. (1) Ya‘akov avinu (Jacob, our father), i.e., the Patriarch Jacob. Mt 1:2+. (2) His descendants, the House of Ya‘akov, meaning the Jewish people. Lk 1:33; Ro 11:26. (3) The father of Yosef #3. Mt 1:15–16. (4) A talmid of Yeshua called Ya’akov Ben-Zavdai (James, son of Zebedee), brother of Yochanan #2. Mt 4:21+. (5) A talmid of Yeshua called Ya‘akov Ben-Halfai (James, son of Alpheus). Mt 10:3+. (6) A brother of Yeshua the Messiah who became leader of the Messianic community in Yerushalayim and is understood to be the author of the book of Ya‘akov. Mt 13:55+. (7) A son of Miryam #4, called "the younger Ya‘akov." Mt 27:56; Mk 15:40. (8) Father of Yeshua’s talmid Y’hudah ben-Ya‘akov (Judas, son of James). Lk 6:16+.

Ya•‘a•ko•vah (Jaakobah)

Ya•‘a•lah (Jaalah)

Ya•‘a•rei-Or•gim (Jaare-oregim)

Ya•‘a• resh•yah (Jaareshiah)

Ya•‘a•sai (Jaasu)

Ya•‘a•si•’el (Jaasiel)

Ya•’a•zan•yah, -ya•hu (Jaazaniah)

Ya•‘a•zi•’el (Jaaziel)

Ya•‘a•zi•ya•hu (Jaaziah)

Ya‘•betz (Jabez)

Ya•bok (Jabbok)

Ya•chat (Jahath)

Ya•chatz (Jahaz)

Ya•cha•zi•’el (Jahaziah)

Yach•di•’el (Jahdiel)

Yach•do (Jahdo)

Yach•le•’el (Jahleel)

Yach•le•’e•li (Jahleelite)

Yach•mai (Jahmai)

Yach•tzah (Jahzah)

Yach•tze•’el (Jahzeel)

Yach•tze•’e•li (Jahzeelite)

Yach•tzi•’el (Jahziel)

Yach•ze•rah (Jahzerah)

Yach•zi•’el (Jahaziel)

Yach•z’•yah (Jahzeiah)

Ya•da (Jada)

Ya•dai (Iddo)

Ya•don (Jadon)

Ya•du•a (Jaddua)

Ya•‘el (Jael)

Ya•fi•a (Japhia)

Yaf•let (Japhlet)

Yaf•le•ti (Japhleti)

Ya•fo* (Jaffa, Joppa, Japho)—port city on the Mediterranean Sea adjoining modern Tel Aviv to the south. Ac 9:35+.

Ya•gur (Jagur)

Yah (Jah)—a name of God.

Ya•hatz (Jahaz)

Yah•dai (Jahdai)

Ya•’ir (Jairus)—synagogue president whose daughter Yeshua raised from the dead. The name means, "He will enlighten." Mk 5:22; Lk 8:41.

Ya•’i•ri (Jairite)

Ya‘•kan (Jakan)

Ya•keh (Jakeh)

Ya•khin (Achim)—in Messianic genealogy. Mt 1:14.

Ya•khi•ni (Jachinites)

Ya•kim (Jakim)

Ya‘•lah (Jalah)

Ya‘•lam (Jalam)

Ya•lon (Jalon)

Ya•min (Jamin)

Ya•mi•ni (Jaminites)

Yam•lekh (Jamlech)

Yan•nai (Janai, Janna)—in Messianic genealogy. Mt 1:14.

Ya•no•ach (Janoah)

Ya•no•chah (Janohah)

Ya•num (Janum)

Ya‘•ra (Jarah)

Yar•cha (Jarja)

Yar•den (Jordan)—river flowing from Mount Hermon in the north to Lake Kinneret and in to the Dead Sea. Mt 3:5+.

Ya•riv (Jarib)

Yar•kon Springs (Me-jarkon)

Yar•mut (Jarmuth)

Ya•ro•ach (Jaroah)

Ya•rov•‘am (Jeroboam)

Ya•shar (Jashar)

Ya•shen (Jashen)

Ya•shov•‘am (Jashobeam)

Ya•shuv (Jashub)

Ya•shu•vi (Jashubite)

Ya•shu•vi-Le•chem (Jashubi-lehem)

Ya•tir (Jattir)

Yat•ni•’el (Jathniel)

Ya•val (Jabal)

Ya•van (Javan)

Ya•vesh (Jabesh)

Ya•vesh-Gil•‘ad (Jabesh-gilead)

Ya•vin (Jabin)

Yav•neh (Jabneh)

Yav•ne•’el (Jabneel)

Ya‘•zer (Jazer)

Ya•ziz (Jaziz)

Y’•chiz•ki•yah, -ya•hu (Hezekiah)

Y’•da•yah (Jedaiah)

Y’•da‘•yah (Jedaiah)

Y’•di•a•‘el (Jediael)

Y’•di•dah (Jedidah)

Y’•did•yah (Jedidiah)

Y’•du•tun (Jeduthun)

Ye•’a•trai (Jeatherai)

Yech•d’•yah, -ya•hu (Jehdeiah)

Ye•chez•k’el (Ezekiel)

Ye•chi•’el (Jehiel)

Ye•chi•’e•li (Jehieli)

Ye•chi•yah (Jehiah)

Ye‘•do (Iddo)

Ye•fet (Japheth)

Ye•hal•lel•’el (Jehaleleel)

Ye•hu (Jehu)

Ye•‘i•’el (Jeiel)

Ye•rach (Jerah)

Ye•rach•me•’el (Jerahmeel)

Ye•rach•me•’e•li (Jerahmeelite)

Ye•red (Jared)—ancestor of Noach; in Messianic genealogy. Lk 3:37.

Ye•re•mai (Jermai)

Ye•re•mot (Jeremoth)

Ye•ri•cho (Jericho)—one of the world’s oldest cities (one tower dates from 7,000 b.c.e.), located in the Yarden River Valley east of Yerushalayim. Mt 20:29+.

Ye•ri•’el (Jeriel)

Ye•ri•mot (Jerimoth)

Ye•ri•‘ot (Jerioth)

Ye•ri•vai (Jeribai)

Ye•ri•yah, -ya•hu (Jerijah)

Ye•ro•cham (Jeroham)

Ye•ru•ba•‘al (Jerubbaal)

Ye•ru•be•shet (Jerubbesheth)

Ye•ru•’el (Jeruel)

Ye•ru•sha (Jerusha)

Ye•ru•shah (Jerushah)

Ye•ru•sha•la•yim (Jerusalem)—capital of Eretz-Yisra’el since the days of King David. Psalm 48 calls it "the city of our God, . . . beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth." Mt 2:1+.

Ye•sha‘•yah, -ya•hu (Isaiah, Esaias)—Tanakh prophet. Mt 3:3+.

Ye•sher (Jesher)

Ye•shev•’av (Jeshebeab)

Ye•shi•mon (Jeshimon)

Ye•shi•shai (Jeshishai)

ye•shi•vahJewish religious school. Ac 19:9.

Ye•shu•a (Jesus)—Variant of "Y’hoshua" (Joshua; see below). In the Tanakh nine persons and a city have the name Yeshua, usually transliterated as "Jeshua" or "Jeshuah." In the Septuagint and the New Testament the name was brought over into Greek as I�sous and thence into English as "Jesus." It means "Y-H-V-H saves" (Mt 1:21) and is also the masculine form of yeshu‘ah ("salvation"). (1) The Messiah of Israel, Yeshua from Natzeret. In modern Hebrew Yeshua’s name is pronounced and written "Yeshu," which may have been the ancient pronunciation in the Galil. However, reflecting two thousand years of conflict between the Church and the Synagogue, it is also an acronym for Yimach sh’mo v’zikhrono ("May his name and memory be blotted out"). However, the late Yosef Vaktor, a Messianic Jewish Holocaust survivor, took it as an acronym for Yigdal sh’mo umalkhuto ("May his name and kingdom grow"). Mt 1:1+. (2) A Messianic Jew in Rome, "Yeshua, the one called Justus." Co 4:11.

ye•shu•‘ah—salvation; used in a word play on Yeshua’s name at Lk 2:30.

Ye•shu•run (Jeshurun)—The upright one.

Ye•ter (Jether)

Ye•tzer (Jezer)

Ye•‘u•’el (Jeuel)

Ye•‘ush (Jeush)

Ye•‘utz (Jeuz)

Y’•fu•neh (Jephunneh)

Y’•gar-Sa•ha•du•ta [A] (Jegar-sahadutha)

Y’ho•’a•chaz (Jehoahaz)

Y’ho•‘a•dah (Jehoadah)

Y’ho•‘a•dan (Jehoaddan)

Y’ho•’ash (Jehoash)

Y’ho•cha•nan (Jehohanan)

Y’ho•na•dav (Jehonadab)

Y’ho•na•tan (Jehonathan)

Y’ho•ram (Jehoram)

Y’ho•sef (Joseph)

Y’ho•sha•fat (Jehoshaphat, Josaphat)—king of Y’hudah; in Messianic genealogy. Mt 1:8.

Y’ho•shu•a (Joshua)—leader of the people of Israel who led the conquest of Eretz-Yisra’el after Moshe’s death. The name means, "Y-H-V-H saves, Y-H-V-H delivers." See also Yeshua, above. Ac 7:45; MJ 4:8.

Y’ho•tza•dak (Jehozadak)

Y’ho•ya•da (Jehoiada)

Y’ho•ya•khin (Jehoiachin)

Y’ho•ya•kim (Jehoiakim)

Y’ho•ya•riv (Jehoiarib)

Y’ho•za•vad (Jehozabad)

Y’hu•dah (Judah, Judas, Juda, Jude)—(1) The fourth son of Ya‘akov avinu. Mt 1:2+. (2) The tribe of Israel named after him. Rv 5:5+. (3) The southern kingdom over which various kings reigned, c. 926–586 b.c.e.; contrasted with the northern kingdom, Israel. MJ 8:8. (4) Y’hudah from K’riot, Yeshua’s betrayer (see below). (5) Another emissary of Yeshua, perhaps identical with Taddai. Yn 14:22. (6) A brother of Yeshua, traditionally the author of the book of Y’hudah (Jude). Mt 13:55; Mk 6:3. (7) Talmid of Yeshua and son of Ya‘akov #5. Lk 6:16+. (8) Y’hudah HaG’lili (see below). (9) Prophet surnamed Bar-Sabba. Ac 15:22ff. (10) Messianic Jew in Dammesek. Ac 9:11.

Y’hu•dah (Judea, Judah, Juda)—the portion of Eretz-Yisra’el allotted to the tribe of Y’hudah. Yerushalayim was at its northern border, and it extended southward past Hevron (Hebron). Mt 2:1+.

Y’hu•dah of K’ri•ot (Judas Iscariot)—Yeshua’s betrayer’s full name in Hebrew is Y’hudah Ben-Shim‘on Ish-K’riot (Yn 6:71), which means "Judah, son of Simon, a man of K’riot," a town some twenty miles south of Yerushalayim. Mt 10:4+.

Y’hu•dah Ha•G’li•li (Judah the Galilean, Judas of Galilee)—popular Jewish leader who led a rebellion against Rome in 6–7 c.e. and founded the party of the Zealots (Sicarii). Ac 5:37.

Y’hu•di, pl. Y’hu•dim (Jew, Judean)—This term, which means "one who praises," does not appear in the CJB. When it or the equivalent Greek word Ioudaios is used by a non-Jew, or by a Jew outside Eretz-Yisra’el, it is generally rendered "Jew." When used by a Jew within Eretz-Yisra’el, it is rendered "Judean," i.e., a resident or citizen of Y’hudah.

Y’hu•dit (Judith)

Y’hu•khal (Jucal)

Yid•’a•lah (Idalah)

Yid•bash (Idbash)