613 Mitzvot Listed by Category: Prayer and Blessing
The challenge for believers in Yeshua today is knowing what instructions apply. Many have been taught that Torah is no longer valid for believers. What many fail to realize is that the New Covenant writtings don't contradict Torah but affirms it. Messiah Himself provides us with proper instruction in how we are to live. The basis of His teaching is Torah. Below is a key that will help to understand what instructions are valid today, what can't be done, what applies to the Jewish people only, whether in the land or not. There are some instructions that are open for debate.
Valid for Believers Today | Can No Longer Be Followed | Applies to Israel Specifically | Applies to Israel - but can be followed by Gentiles | Open for Debate |
Number | Type | Description | Commandment | Scripture |
22 | Positive | To pray to G-d | "You are to serve Adonai your
God; and he will bless your food and water. I will take
sickness away from among you. You are to fear Adonai your God, serve him and swear by his name. |
Exodus 23:25 & Deuteronomy 6:13 |
23 | Positive | To read the Shema in the morning and at night | and you are to teach them carefully to your children. You are to talk about them when you sit at home, when you are traveling on the road, when you lie down and when you get up. | Deuteronomy 6:7 |
24 | Positive | To recite grace after meals | So you will eat and be satisfied, and you will bless Adonai your God for the good land he has given you. | Deuteronomy 8:10 |
25 | Negative | Not to lay down a stone for worship | " 'You are not to make yourselves any idols, erect a carved statue or a standing-stone, or place any carved stone anywhere in your land in order to bow down to it. I am Adonai your God. | Leviticus 26:1 |
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