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Power of One" |
in 2006 while driving to Maine for a family
visit, I received what would become the statement
of beliefs for the Jewish Heritage Revival
ministry. Simply stated, it is "The Power of
One". Today we have a structured Belief
statement for the congregation that is derived
from the IAMCS, however, "The Power of
One" is still something that is foundational
to this congregation. |
Happened To The Sabbath? |
Sabbath predates Sinai and relates back to
creation. The many misconceptions are that it is
legalistic and puts one "under the
law". However, when one chooses to embrace
this one and only day of the week that has been
made special by Adonai, can it truly be
considered legalistic? He set it apart. He made
it holy. Yeshua honored the Sabbath, even in
death. What does it mean for believers both
Jewish and non-Jewish? Find out! |
- Past, Present and Forever |
happened once, yet we remember it every year.
Adonai chose to incorporate the death, burial and
resurrection of Yeshua, the very death that would
lead to our redemption. Before reuse, recycle and
repurpose was fasionable, Adonai did so through
this and other Moadim. |
and the Passover Seder |
as Yeshua was the Passover Lamb that took away
the sin from the world, likewise our Passover
seder done in remembrance of the Passover points
towards Messiah Yeshua. |
- The Giving of Torah and His Ruach ha Kodesh |
recently related this Feast to a power grid and
lightening. Torah is the power grid. It is the
infrastructure and foundation to distribute the
power of truth. The lightening is the Ruach ha
Kodesh. Unwielded it is extremely powerful and
without direction can be used in a destructive
manner. When you combine the two, you have a
synergistic structure that is perfectly balanced.
Latter Feasts - Yom T'ruah History and Prophecy
(Part 1) |
of the first four moadim (appointed times) have
clearly established two similar yet distinct
events in time, as purposed by Adonai. The latter
feasts, beginning with Yom T'ruah (Rosh Hashanah
/ Feast of Trumpets) will bring a conclusion to
the story of Messiah's return, Israel's
redemption, the Thousand year reign of Messiah
and the beginning of Eternity future. |
Latter Feasts - Yom Kippur History and Prophecy
(Part 2) |
Day of Atonement. How does this play into
everything that is still to happen, given
Messiah's first coming? |
Latter Feasts - Sukkot - History and Prophecy
(Part 3) |
does this final feast of the Jewish calendar
mean? How was it celebrated? What is its
prophecy? How does this all relate to Yeshua and
our future? All these questions are answered with
this article. |
Was Yeshua Born? |
25? This is the date used by the church to
recognize Yeshua's birth. However, scripture
appears to be silent regarding this date. This
article provides sufficient biblcal information
that can point us to the time of Yeshua's birth
and how it fits into the bigger picture. |
True Origin of Christmas |
is a great deal of effort expended to justify the
reason for the season. Unfortunately one must
connect many dots that don't align in order to
come to that desired outcome. Here is a brief
orign of how it all began. |
True Origin of Easter |
a great deal of effort is expended for
recognizing a date that isn't even found in
scripture, yet represents everything that
Passover already is. Many will say "we know
it is of pagan origins, but that is how we use
it. We use it to remember the resurrection of
Jesus." |
Messianic Judaism |
is Messianic Judaism? This article provides
definitions and explanations regarding this
growing movement that comprises both Jewish and
non-Jewish people. Keep in mind that there are
many groups that call themselves Messianic, yet
are not Messianic Judaism. |
Confusion |
is a common misconception that when Adonai
establishes a new covenant, the previous covenant
becomes null and void. Unfortunately this
misconception greatly influences believers in how
they view and understand Adonai's covenants. Each
covenant actually builds upon the previous
covenant with better promises. The other trajedy
is that people believe the requirements from
Adonai change with regards to how people are
deemed to be considered righteous. Adonai's
standards are still the same - they have not
changed. |
You Love Me... |
will keep my commandents", is the completion
of this sentance. What does it truly mean? |
and Grace - A Love Story |
common misconception is the grace is exclusive to
the church and that after the resurrection of
Messiah we entered into "the age of
grace". Did Adonai offer grace to the
nations through Messiah? Yes. However, He first
offered grace to Avraham, Yitchak and Ya'akov,
who from them would come the nation of Israel,
known as the Jewish people. |
of Scripture |
you ever considered the order in which Scripture
was set? Did you know that the order conveys a
message also? This article explores several
aspects, both from the Tenach as well as the
Brith Hadoshah. |
of parables taught by Yeshua |
table format of Yeshua's parables teachings and
the scripture reference. Some parables are found
in more than one of the Gospels, while others are
only found in one Gospel. |
fulfilled by Yeshua |
are many prophecies in the Tenach that point to
Yeshua. Many of them have been fulfilled through
His initial coming. Prophecies that remain
unfulfilled, will be satisfied upon His return.
This document comprises the prophecies that have
already been fulfilled. |
of The Omer |
the Passover season, beginning at First Fruits we
count what is known as the Omer (measure). This
time coincides with Yeshua's resurrection and the
fulfillment of the Promise of the Ruach ha Kodesh
- a powerful message on why we count. Includes
associated Scripture readings for the 50 days. |